All About THICK Acrylic Painting

Paint Thick... Without Wasting Paint!

I use FAR less paint than you think (hint: I use acrylic mediums)... and it dries a lot faster than you'd guess! Sign up here to get an instant (and free) supply sheet listing the exact paints, mediums, and tools I use to make my thick and colorful paintings!  

 Thick Acrylic FAQs

I love Thick Acrylic Painting so much a created a course all about it!

Inside the course, you’ll get:

  • a list of the exact supplies (with brands and links) needed

  • how to save a mint using acrylic mediums to build body in your paint

  • 8 lessons on the acrylic basics, medium basics, dragon petal technique, mica shimmer, classic chunkies, and the weave technique!

  • real time, step-by step, high quality video showing the whole process

  • super detailed spoken descriptions of every step of the painting

  • captions available

  • detailed color mixing info that will take the mystery out of creating beautiful color palettes and blends

  • a session on finishing your art and getting it ready to hang

  • a session on adding things like mica and glitter to your acrylic medium