cloudy sky over a corn field

Event Planning Outdoors

Summer is well underway and outdoor events remain a popular option as social distancing is still required in some areas, and we all want to take advantage of being outside in the sunshine while we can. We’ve gone back to the archives to share some tips and tricks for a successful outdoor event. Click the link below to read our top tips for working with Mother Nature from our experienced team of event professionals.

Bartha 75 Years logo

Animation Reel

Continuing to celebrate our 75th with a showcase of some recent animation work. Featuring Ohio FFA, University of Michigan, Nationwide, and more!

computer keyboard close-up

At Bartha, Every Virtual Event is Custom-Made

Philip Keefer works in our Creative Department where he specializes in animation, event platform design, and custom website creation.

Apart from basic user interface and web design standards, a virtual event's venue is only limited by your imagination. Events on the web can be anything. Sometimes it is a simple web page with a livestream embed, and sometimes it is a customized platform website with dozens of pages. Depending on the event size, functions, and other factors, we will make the page or site to suit all your needs.

In the past, these web pages were rare and served a hybrid event purpose. The utility of being a livestream for the audience that could not be there in-person. In 2020, the demand increased exponentially, and hybrid shifted towards a fully virtual angle. However, according to many clients, as things return to normal, many of the conveniences discovered from virtual events have become a requirement for future events. This makes hybrid the standard minimum.

Some web pages start as scavenger hunts. If a client does not have logos, fonts, colors, photos, and other materials ready, I go to their official site and gather what I need. Sometimes there is no website or the theme needs to be more specific to the event. The page's design is then guided by whatever can be found: a PowerPoint presentation, a registration page, a brochure, an e-vite, or anything available to perfectly imitate the company's style. Even with nothing up front, a design will be improvised.

So, wherever you are in the virtual or hybrid event process, Bartha is here to help.

Check out our portfolio to see how we’ve helped our clients plan successful virtual events from our studios in Columbus and their locations around the world.

With all the options at your fingertips, you can trust us to help you determine which tools to use to help achieve your objectives and outcomes for a variety of audiences. Find out more about our capabilities here then contact us here to get started.
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© 2021 Bartha - 600 N Cassady Ave. Columbus, OH 43219